
or inflorescences Learn more about or inflorescences

  • How to arrange the inflorescence of grapes?

    How to arrange the inflorescence of grapes?

    Why organize the inflorescence of grapes? How to arrange the inflorescence of grapes? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce because when the grape blossoms, there may be 300 to 1500 flowers in the grape inflorescence, but most of the flowers and fruits will fall during the fruit setting period.

  • Two measures for arrangement of grape inflorescence

    Two measures for arrangement of grape inflorescence

    There are 300 to 1500 flowers in the grape inflorescence, and most of the flowers and fruits fall during the fruit setting period. Therefore, flower thinning of inflorescences retained on fruiting branches can enhance the development of remaining flowers. First, sparse inflorescences. To remove the whole inflorescence from the fruiting branch. When the plant load is large and the inflorescence is too much, it is necessary.

  • Grape planting technique-inflorescence elongation

    Grape planting technique-inflorescence elongation

    Some grape varieties elongate the inflorescence with gibberellin to reduce fruit thinning and increase ear weight in order to have higher commercial value.

  • What's the difference between inflorescences and flowers?

    What's the difference between inflorescences and flowers?

    Inflorescence refers to the way in which flowers are arranged on the axis and the order in which they bloom. The flower generally refers to flowers, refers to the ornamental value of herbs, it is composed of Corolla, calyx, receptacle, stamens, there are a variety of colors, some grow very gorgeous, fragrant.

    2020-11-08 Inflorescence flower difference where is inflorescence inflorescence refers to flowers flowers
  • What should we do if the latest grape inflorescence is small?

    What should we do if the latest grape inflorescence is small?

    The quality and number of inflorescences of grapes directly affect the late yield and quality of grapes, many orchards generally appear the phenomenon of few inflorescences, small inflorescences, especially to promote early cultivation of fruit trees, and even the problem of no inflorescence. So what caused it? It should be like

    2020-11-10 The latest grape inflorescence Xiaocai how to do
  • Good flower and fruit thinning, high grape yield

    Good flower and fruit thinning, high grape yield

    First, we should pay attention to strengthening the management of fertilizer and water; second, we should leave the damaged leaves for a long time. It will take about a month to grow new lateral branches. The leaves of new lateral branches can replace diseased leaves for photosynthesis and alleviate drug damage. The grape should be observed in the orchard at any time after spraying, and abnormal pieces and plants are found.

  • What if the inflorescence of grapes is small?

    What if the inflorescence of grapes is small?

    What if the inflorescence of grapes is small?

  • Management Technology of Grape flowering stage in Solar greenhouse

    Management Technology of Grape flowering stage in Solar greenhouse

    Management technology of grape flowering stage in solar greenhouse 1 the core goal of flowering management is to comprehensively apply various technical measures to balance tree nutrition, reduce nutrient consumption, maintain dynamic balance between plant growth and flowering and fruit setting, and then promote tree nutrition.

  • 6 key points of grape flowering management

    6 key points of grape flowering management

    Grape flowering to young fruit expansion period, grape growth period is a very important stage. Whether the management at this stage is in place directly affects the grape yield and quality of the year. Here is a detailed explanation of the six key points of grape flowering management. 1. Topdressing for mitigation

    2020-11-09 grape flowering management large key points detailed explanation to
  • Treatment method of grape inflorescence

    Treatment method of grape inflorescence

    The main flowering diseases of grape such as Xiahei and Red Earth are Botrytis cinerea and ear axis brown blight, both of which belong to fungal diseases. Botrytis cinerea, also known as ear rot, has occurred more seriously in recent years. More than 70% of flowers can be destroyed in orchards with severe disease, mainly in the pre-anthesis and florescence damage to Corolla, petiolule, spike pedicel and pollination.

  • How much is the price of summer black grape seedlings? How to plant it?

    How much is the price of summer black grape seedlings? How to plant it?

    Xiahei grape, also known as Heixia and Xiahei seedless black grape, is an excellent variety of grape, which has the advantages of strong disease resistance, high yield, early ripening, storage resistance, good taste and so on. Generally speaking, it will be ready for listing in late July. Let's take a look at it together.

    2020-11-09 Summer black grape seedling price yes more less money one tree how about
  • How to prune Jufeng grapes in summer?

    How to prune Jufeng grapes in summer?

    How to prune Jufeng grapes in summer? Please introduce Jufeng grape in summer can refer to the following methods for pruning: first, thinning inflorescence, pinching ear tip. The thinning inflorescence of Jufeng grape should be determined according to the strength of new shoots and plant load. The average ear weight of Jufeng is about 400g, and the yield index per mu is generally 1600 kg.

  • There are techniques for removing males from Chinese chestnut.

    There are techniques for removing males from Chinese chestnut.

    There are techniques for removing males from Chinese chestnut.

  • Introduction of Mexican red scorpion tail banana, Hitt exhaustion tail banana and hard-haired scorpion tail banana

    Introduction of Mexican red scorpion tail banana, Hitt exhaustion tail banana and hard-haired scorpion tail banana

    (1) morphological characteristics: perennial evergreen tufted herbs. The height of the plant is 1.5 to 2.5 meters. Leaf blade divided into lobes along the main vein. Inflorescences terminal, erect, inflorescence rachis red to pink, bracts 5-7, red to pink, proximal bracts distal green, sepals yellow, tip green, pedicels yellowish green, ovary green. Florescence 2

  • Longan "rush" how to prevent?


    Longan "rush" how to prevent? Please guide the flower bud germination of longan, be sure to shoot first, and then differentiate and develop inflorescence from the axil of compound leaf primordium, that is, from leaf-flower mixture to pure inflorescence. When the inflorescence primordium is diapause or the construction is weak, it is very easy to form incomplete inflorescences with coexistence of flowers and leaves.

  • What is the best time and technical points for grape panicle pulling (flower pulling)? What's the use?

    What is the best time and technical points for grape panicle pulling (flower pulling)? What's the use?

    In the process of grape planting, many growers find that when the grape ear is too tight, it is easy to lead to uneven color, fruit grains squeeze and deform each other, split fruit rotten fruit and other symptoms, affecting the appearance of the grape. Some European and American grape varieties often have a large amount of fruit after fruit protection treatment.

    2020-11-09 Grape panicle flower best time and technology key points in
  • The love and killing in nature is about figs and fig wasps.

    The love and killing in nature is about figs and fig wasps.

    Speaking of Ficus plants, northerners may think of fig trees with slender branches and strangely shaped leaves, while southerners may think of giant banyan trees with thick shady ground and fluttering air roots. Big or small, their fruits.

  • The necessary household skills of how to raise the fire crane flower how to raise the fire crane flower well

    The necessary household skills of how to raise the fire crane flower how to raise the fire crane flower well

    The necessary household skills of how to raise the fire crane flower how to raise the fire crane flower well

  • The pruning method of lavender

    The pruning method of lavender

    Lavender flowers are the most abundant in essential oil, and flowers or inflorescences are mainly used. In order to facilitate harvest, some small inflorescences at the initial stage of cultivation might as well be leveled with large scissors, and the new inflorescences are high, which is beneficial to the second harvest. Some varieties can reach a height of 90 centimeters

  • It is late to push again. This flower is at its peak in mid-April.

    It is late to push again. This flower is at its peak in mid-April.

    Xanthoceras sorbifolia is a northern plant, which is planted in Beijing and wild in the northwest and northeast provinces. Beijing Botanical Garden [Xanthoceras sorbifolia Xanthoceras sorbifolium] disease-free family Sapindaceae > > Xanthoceras sorbifolia L.
